I decided to expand upon my shadow puppetry idea for my first project. There are a bunch of cultural styles that I can use as fuel for my studies. When conducting research, I looked into the reasons shadow puppetry is used in societies around the world and the subject matter their shows focused on. All of them shared a common interest in two things - religious storytelling and moralistic narratives. Although their themes have similarities, the overall aesthetic reflects the distinct culture of the production. I feel this is a place i can start working from.
I want to make modern interpretations of "old-school" Aesop Fables, working in the tradition of shadow puppeteers across the globe by exploring characters in settings akin to America.
My first project in regards to this is my rendition on the "Tortise and the Hare" . Th-Pe main characters are substituted with cars driving down the freeway. I chose a Ford Mustang and a Toyota Prius, mainly for their performance records inregards to speed and effectiveness. However, what is more important is what they do in my first animation, which is outlined below:
-Prius driving down the street.
-Mustang pulls up behind it, trails Prius closely in hopes of speeding up. Honks in frustration.
-Switches lanes, speeds past, screeches to a halt at a red light.
-Prius pulls up next to it.
-Light turns green, mustang peels out, driving very fast.
-Camera follows Mustang until it crashes into a nearby speed limit sign.
-Prius passes car, keeping steady pace.
Long story short, it's my take on American drivers who rush to get where they need to be, yet get hindered by red lights and the rules of the road. Slow and steady wins the race indeed... and keeps people from getting in car accidents.
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