I've done a few demos for it in the past, and the aesthetic will be similar to the pictures below. There will be a change of daylight to indicate time in the animation. There will be more cranes in the background, as well as a few other in-progress buildings.

----------------------------------CHARACTER DESIGN-------------------------------------
I think i've found a way to push my character design, while sticking to my flat, simplistic aesthetic. The red one will represent all of the workers, except the lazy blue one. His lazy and absent-minded tendencies will be indicated through actions in the animation. When they walk, they slide across the screen, while their bodies squat up and down.

I hope the storyboard is graphic enough, but if i were to sum up the story, it goes like this:
We first see a sihlouette of the workers, hammering out a round piece of metal. (textured as such) Upon zooming in, there is a step by step proccess showing how the workers make the parts needed to construct their building.
The C shapes are connected with long rods, requiring two people. Everyone connects theirs, except the lazy worker, who upon being woken up (thanks to a hammer tossed at the worker's hard hat) scrambles to produce the same piece of metal. In his frenzy, he forgets to catch the metal as it falls and it cracks. Instead of making a new one, he looks around, and brings the broken metal to connect, hoping not to be spotted.
Everyone connects their pieces, which end up erecting the massive building that stands before the lead construction worker. (indicated by the white hardhat.) He checks his blueprint to confirm everything.
The ground begins to shake.
The camera zooms in, and we see the crack spreading to the beams around the original broken one.
Everyone currently on the building panics while the lazy worker is fast asleep again, not even noticing the beams under him cracking. The building collapses, with everyone in it.
I am currently wondering if I should have the lazy worker die. The original grasshopper and and fable only had the grasshopper suffering due to his incompetence. However, society today revolves more around the group as opposed to the individual... (at least when menial labor is concerned) and we often find a select few crazy individuals screwing life up for everyone.
Any ideas?

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